School of Architecture and Civil Engineering

M.Sc. Ramona Stein


2020-2022: Research Project CUBITY Braunschweig

Since 04/2020: Research Associate in the Department of Planning and Building Economics at the University of Wuppertal

09/2019 – 03/2020: Junior Project Manager at Du Diederichs

10/2018 – 09/2019: Student Assistant at the Office for Wuppertal Neighborhood Development

04/2019: Completed studies in Architecture at the University of Wuppertal

10/2016 – 11/2018: Research Assistant in the Department of Building Physics and Technical Building Services at the University of Wuppertal

05/2013 – 10/2014: Student Assistant at the Architecture and Expert Office Windgassen


Heinze, M.; Diekmann, M.; Wolfrath, S.; Busch, R.; Stein, R.; (2024): Implikationen von Coworking Spaces für Verkehr und Städtebau, BBSR Online-Publikation, Ausgabe 26/2024 Download

Holthausen, T; Weber, C; Stein, R. (2021): Den Verkehr mitdenken - Potenziale GIS-basierter Raumanalysen. Passivhaus Kompendium, 45 ff.


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Consultation Hours:

by appointment



Holthausen, T; Weber, C; Stein, R. (2021): Den Verkehr mitdenken - Potenziale GIS-basierter Raumanalysen. Passivhaus Kompendium, 45 ff.