School of Architecture and Civil Engineering

Elective Real Estate Management and Project Development

With the in-depth examination of the real estate aspects of planning and construction, students acquire important competencies both for the economically conscious structuring of the architect's work and for participation in the relevant fields of action of project development and project management.

The topics are dealt with within the one-semester seminar series by lectures of the department and by presentations of the students. Contributions from external guests complement the course. IP1 forms the basis for the following modules, which build on this basic knowledge and expand it with in-depth content. In IP2 and IP3, the focus is on in-depth discussion based on students' presentations and the examination of practical examples.

IP1: Fundamentals of project development

This module is the first part of a series of lectures lasting several semesters and provides an initial introduction to real estate issues and the diverse fields of activity of project development and real estate management. Among other things, more far-reaching topics such as building law and digital innovation are also examined.