School of Architecture and Civil Engineering

Completed projects

  • Non-residential building research database (ENOB: dataNWG) - primary data collection to record the structure and energy quality of the non-residential building stock in Germany

  • CUBITY 2.0 - Plus Energy and Modular Student Living
  • GiS - Commerce in the city - Shaping change in existing buildings
  • Urban development investment and funding requirements 2020 - 2030


  • Application status of life cycle cost analysis in the housing and real estate industry and approaches for improvement

  • Sustainable consumption models of the shared economy in the housing industry

  • BMWi research project
  • Schwäbisch Hall: Investigation of the market for energy-efficient building refurbishment in Germany
  • Basics for the evaluation of the urban development program "Socially Integrative City - Investments in the Neighborhood" (ExWoSt)
  • Mixed use and social diversity in urban neighborhoods - inventory, examples, need for control
  • Research project commissioned by the Federal Institute for Research on Building, Urban Affairs and Spatial Development (BBSR): Regional scope of the economic effects of urban development funding (ExWoSt)

  • Klushuizen: Feasibility study for tinker houses in Gelsenkirchen

  • Housing market study Wuppertal

  • Research project on behalf of the Federal Ministry for the Environment, Nature Conservation and Nuclear Safety (BMU): 100% heat from renewable energies? On the way to the low-energy house in existing buildings

  • Research on behalf of the Federal Ministry of Education and Research

  • Research project commissioned by the Federal Environment Agency as part of the National Cycling Plan
  • Research on behalf of the Enquete Commission "Housing industry change and new financial investors on the housing markets in NRW"

  • Research commissioned by the Federal Institute for Research on Building, Urban Affairs and Spatial Development (BBSR): Growth and employment effects of the investment pact in comparison to urban development funding
  • Research project on behalf of the WestLB Foundation Decentralized power generation in the low power range as a contribution to reducing emissions in existing buildings - potential analysis and exemplary implementation for homeowners in NRW

  • Research on behalf of the Federal Institute for Research on Building, Urban Affairs and Spatial Development (BBSR): Municipal budget emergencies - stocktaking and options for response within the framework of federal and state urban development funding

  • Evaluation on behalf of the Saxon State Ministry of Economics, Labor and Transport

  • Research on behalf of LEG NRW : Industrial park concept for Bonn

  • Research on behalf of Wohnungsbau Stadt Moers GmbH: Urban yield of Wohnungsbau Stadt Moers GmbH

  • Research on behalf of Investitionsbank Berlin (IBB) and the Senate Department for Urban Development: Berlin's residential market - a locational advantage
  • Research on behalf of the Duisburg Economic Development Corporation (GFW) Office Space Study Duisburg
  • BBR research project: General departmental research Long-term impact and effectiveness of urban development funding urban development promotion
  • Research on behalf of the Wuppertaler Quartierentwicklungsgesellschaft(WQG) Moderated workshop process - Housing-related real estate and location communities in Wuppertal's urban redevelopment areas

  • Research on behalf of the Wuppertal Economic Development Agency Office Space Study Wuppertal
  • Study in cooperation with the City of Wuppertal Requirements for themed business park projects: Current developments, location requirements, market potentials
  • Research program of the Federal Ministry of Transport, Building and Urban Development: Aufbau Ost research project: Possibilities and limits of a cross-state funding policy to "strengthen economic strengths" (clusters) in eastern Germany
  • General departmental research of the Federal Office for Building and Regional Planning Expertise "Urban returns through municipal housing companies"

  • In-house research: Spatial enterprises - user-driven urban and project development
  • Background to the research project
  • "Future Building" research program of the Federal Office for Building and Regional Planning Research project "Relevance of international developments in architecture and real estate investment for the construction industry and building culture in Germany"