School of Architecture and Civil Engineering

Düsseldorf - Doha - Cape Town - Windhoek - Henties Bay - Swakopmund - Walvis Bay - Solitaire - Windhoek - Frankfurt (am Main)


From trouble spot to continent of the future? For demographic reasons alone, Africa will gain global political and economic importance in the coming decades. The development pressure is already enormous: In no other region of the world are cities subject to such dynamic growth processes - the demand for housing and infrastructure is accordingly immense. Against this background, it is also worthwhile for architecture students to pay more attention to this continent. In February 2023, a group of 19 students and teachers therefore set out for 16 days to explore (urban) structures of African cities and - building on the results of the chair's coworking research project - to analyze concepts for coworking spaces in Namibia. After a one-day stopover in Doha (Qatar), the first stop was Cape Town (South Africa) - where best practice examples for coworking spaces were examined. The trip continued by bus to Windhoek (Namibia). A highlight here was the one-week summer school with fellow students from the Namibia University of Science and Technology (NUST). Afterwards, a small round trip explored further Namibian cities as well as the fascinating nature of the country.

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