School of Architecture and Civil Engineering

Kaiserslautern 2022

What does retail mean here?

In the summer semester of 2022, STUDIO IP & ES (Real Estate Management and Project Development & Experimental Urban Research) looked at the effects of increasing online retail on bricks-and-mortar retail in city centers. The STUDIO team investigated this topic using the example of Essen's northern city center and developed various innovative, sustainable concepts (City Pilots). With these concepts, the STUDIO team took part in the interdisciplinary study project of the Wissensnetzwerk Stadt und Handel e.V. (Knowledge Network City and Retail).

The two-day kick-off workshop of the study project took place on April 28 and 29, 2022 in Kaiserslautern. Here, our team worked together with students from other universities in design thinking workshops and got to know Kaiserslautern's city center and the challenges facing local retailers. The exchange with the architecture, urban planning and geography students from the other universities and the retail experts from the knowledge network was extremely "fruitful" and helped us a lot in the subsequent development of solutions for Essen's city center.

The copyright of the photos lies with the excursion participants, unless expressly stated otherwise.