School of Architecture and Civil Engineering

University of Wuppertal

Welcome to the Chair of Economics of Planning and Building

Our Team

STUDIO topic logistics real estate

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Exkursion to India

Exkursion to Namibia

In the course of the economization of society, the understanding of economic contexts in planning and building is becoming a key qualification for architects and planners. In this sense, the subject area "Economics of Planning and Building" imparts basic qualifications in teaching for the training of architects.

This involves an economic education tailored to traditional and new fields of work of architects, which particularly emphasizes the interfaces to other disciplines and to practice. The questions are mainly related to the four spatial scales region, city, quarter and object. Here, the potential of our team lies especially in the linking of real estate economic questions with the urban and regional economic and urban planning dimension.

In the field of research, we have specialized in the economic issues of spatial developments. Thereby, the research topics are treated on the spatial levels region, city, quarter and country.